
This is my personal blog, about Monica Suma.

I share my world travels about experiencing new things and meeting different people. I share my love for interior design. I share my press clippings, my freelance writing, my photography and my modeling work. I share the books I read, the movies I watch and the music I listen to. I share New York’s best restaurants, events, concerts and benefits.

I share my love for New York City. I am a major fashion, beauty and lifestyle aficionado and an avid traveler. I cannot go anywhere in this world without my best friend, my camera.

Read my travel and interior design columns for Examiner.com.

You can contact me here.

You can also find me on PinterestStumbleUpon and Digg.

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. looking forward to reading future posts!

  2. You sure will! Thank you for your comments!

  3. You should have more followers on twitter.

  4. monicasuma said:

    I agree. You could be an extra follower. I am fairly new to Twitter so I guess it will take a bit of time. I grows every day, which makes me very happy.

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